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Zed Days USA (Book 1) Page 4
Zed Days USA (Book 1) Read online
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Mat looked worried, ‘What did you mean by steamroller? Even just going over the bridge sounds like a suicide mission.’
I was worried too but we needed the ammo so I let my bravado carry me along. I said, ‘Two doors down from Aunt Elle’s there’s a guy with an F350 he polishes every weekend. He’s retired and he’s never up early so he’s almost certainly at home, and even if he isn’t, he’ll have a spare key somewhere. It’s got big twin rear wheels, slightly raised suspension, and a full set of bull bars. The backs got a metal roll-top as well. I drove it once in exchange for a few photos of me draped over the bonnet. Even if we hit a horde of Zombies I don’t think it would struggle. Also, if they are developing and we don’t know they will do next, it could be even harder to get to places tomorrow.’
Mat looked a little reassured, ‘I know the truck, it’s bright yellow isn’t it. It’s huge and there’s no doubt a few pedestrians wouldn’t bother it. It should be able to haul as much as we can dump in it. You’re also right that we don’t know what’s happening with them, so sooner is better. It seems like we have a full day ahead of us.’
We avoided more trouble until we were a few hundred yards of the Marina. There was another small horde and as we passed by the huge twenty floor hotel just before it, several wandered out of the carpark behind. We both headed to the water but there didn’t seem to be any Sprinters. Just before we waded into the water Mat said, ‘Hand me the rifle. I guess I should have a go and if we make some noise it’ll draw any that can get to us here and it should make it easier to get to the Marina.’
He was right and I took the rifle off my shoulder and briefly showed him around it, ‘It’s easy to use but compared to a 22 it’s gonna kick, so plant you’re feet and say hello to your shoulder. He took it and held it to his shoulder. We only had about ten seconds before we’d have to retreat and he didn’t hesitate.
His first shot was wide and he paused. I said, ‘Again, empty the clip if you want to. We’ll have plenty more soon.’
He shot again and hit the upper chest of the closest one. Then he shot again and it dropped. He dropped three more with the last few rounds and I noticed they were all men, even though there were a couple of women who were closer. Then we had to run. As I ran into the water with the beach bag and baseball bat, and I saw Mat struggling with the spear, gun, and rucksack, I realised our mistake. We got to a safe distance, arms up trying to hold everything above the water, before we raised our eyebrows at each other. Mat said, ‘Maybe we didn’t properly think this through.’
There were quite a few Zeds converging towards us from various directions and I was bobbing up and down trying to keep the bag out of the water. I looked at Mat and he shook his head. I let my arm drop and the bag slowly bubbled into the water. I looked at the Marina in the distance and said, ‘This isn’t going to work, give me all the gear and you can go get the boat.’
After his reaction to the keeping score thing I hesitated, but it was who I was to be funny so I added, ‘Just don’t forget to pick me up.’
I was relieved when he grinned and retorted, ‘How could I, you’re the only other person in the world.’
Mat swam off towards the Marina and although he wasn’t fast and he was still protecting his arm, it looked effortless. I watched as more and more Zeds entered the water, thrashed around, and drowned. Some of them seemed more sure footed than they had been earlier, but they were still dumb. As more waded in they forced the bodies of the first ones towards me and I tried to bob along out of their way holding all the gear, but I was too late.
Panic gripped me and I imagined one grabbing at me from under the water. As a couple floated face down into me fear overtook me and although it rarely changed the outcome, I fell back on what I knew as a response, anger.
I elbowed the nearest one away from me and tried my best to stifle the shouts of ‘Bastard, fucking bastard’, so Mat wouldn’t hear me. I was clear of them in a few seconds but my heart was pounding like a hound scratching its ear and I was hyperventilating. I didn’t want to close my eyes like I might normally have done but I got control of my breathing and let the panic ebb away. I strained to try and see Mat but he must have been passed the first few boats because I couldn’t see him. I hoped the shooting had attracted any that had been around the boats and I realised the only weapon he had was a knife. Fear started to flow through me again and I had to concentrate on my breathing again and say to myself, ‘Get it to fucking-gether.’
I conjured images of us mowing down Zeds in the F350, then I imagined what I could do with an AR15 and a load of spare clips. Without warning my imaginings strayed to what it would have been like mid-season in the middle of the day with thousands of people on the beach and cruising up and down the strip. Some of the bigger multi-storey hotels had hundreds of rooms and there were several of them. My heart started to race again as I imagined shooting at a wall of unstoppable Zombies surrounding me. Thankfully my train of thought was interrupted by the sound of an engine.
A few seconds later a large white fishing boat appeared from the direction of the Marina and I wasn’t alone any more. I was OK. I’d only been alone for a few minutes and I’d almost lost it. I made a metal note not to let Mat out of my sight again and wondered how he’d felt going it alone himself. He slowed down and churned the water in reverse to stop next to me. I bobbed to the back of the boat and the ladder. He hurried to help me, grabbing the stuff, and I could see concern in his eyes, ‘Are you ok, you look pale and you’re breathing heavily, what happened?’
All I could do was look into his eye’s and smile with relief, ‘Sorry, got a little freaked out there for a moment. Can you do me a favour?’
Mat still looked worried and said, ‘Of course, anything.’
I climbed out of the water and reached for his hand. When he took it and I got on deck I pulled him towards me and hugged him. He hugged me back strongly and I whispered in his ear, ‘I know I seem strong, but could you not leave me alone again for a while.’
He squeezed hard and I wished we didn’t have wet suits on. He said what I needed to hear, ‘I promise. I almost freaked out too, even though I got out of there before any Zeds came. Now, let’s go see your Aunt Elle.’
Chapter Four – Aunt Elle
Mat’s boat wasn’t what I expected. I’d been on a few fishing and dive boats, not very willingly, but I’d been on a few. They were usually dirty smelly affairs. I don’t know anything about boats, but it was obviously a game fishing boat, not a big one, but it had the typical tall steering section; no idea what I’m supposed to call it so from now on when it comes to anything maritime, bear with me. It’s not like I have internet and I can look it up.
There was a game fishing chair at the back and I could see one big and a couple of small fishing rods. There was also a bunch of dive tanks and regulators and stuff, all very neatly stowed away. Mat saw me looking around and said, ‘I splurged a little on the boat. I was still a bit fatalistic after my brother died and living for the moment. I didn’t do tourist fishing trips, but I figured it would be nice to have the option. It’s also got a small cabin and I figured if the business turned to shit I could find a mooring where no one cared and sleep in the boat. It’s fully fuelled which is helpful, but there is almost no food or water aboard.’
I looked at him and smiled, ‘It’s nice, it doesn’t smell of oil or diesel or sweaty clothes.’
He raised his eyebrows and I added, ‘Hicksville remember, and that counts for everything, including the few boats I’ve been on.’
He giggled and it was nice, ‘I’m glad you like it. I should probably say now that I’m a bit of a clean freak. I know I’m going to have to moderate it, it being an apocalypse and everything, but just so you know.’
I smiled back but my mind was fixed on the cabin. I tried not to sound desperate and prayed there was more than a single or bunk beds. I went to speak but realised I didn’t know what to say. I ended up stood there stuttering. Mat rescued me once again, ‘Let m
e show you the cabin.’ Then his eye’s dropped and I could see his cheeks blossom.
If I hadn’t still been in a wet suit that would have made the sheets damp I would have been tempted to grab his hand and throw him on the bed. Instead, trying to control my own flushing cheeks, I walked up to stand right in front of him and waited until he met my eyes. I was glad he didn’t keep me waiting, ‘This is awkward for both of us but there are other things to get on with so I’m just going to say it. It might be a whole high stress attraction thing, but it’s not the first time I’ve been attracted to you. That’s how I knew your name, because I’d asked one of the guys at the gas station ages ago. I know you’re a bit older than me, and that’s a good thing, and that you’re not super tanned and muscle bound, but that’s a good thing too. What I’m trying to say is…I don’t know what’s going to happen, and I’m not even sure if you like me, that way, but personally I can’t wait to snuggle up with you tonight…’
I figured he’d grab and kiss me, or at least say something straight away, and even though it was probably only a fraction of a second, the suspense made my stomach turn into a fiery ball of lead and drop through me. Finally he lifted his arms and I threw myself at him. He grabbed me and whispered, ‘Of course I fancy you. I know you have; but have you seen yourself? You’re gorgeous in every way. I just figured you must have been hit on 24/7 your whole life and I didn’t want to be that guy or take advantage. Also, I’m crap at this. It’s not like you get much practice growing up on a sheep station in the middle of nowhere.’
I took my head from beside his so I was right in front of him, feeling tingles all over from the expectation and said, ‘I’m not as practiced at this is you might assume either, but I think this is part where we kiss and you grab my ass.’
Thankfully he didn’t hesitate, but he didn’t barrel in either. He kissed me gently a few times and the touch of his lips sent sparks through me like I’d never felt before. People had told me about a feeling like a shock when they kissed someone they really liked, and I’ve read a few romance novels, and I was glad it was all true. It was my urgency for him that made us kiss more deeply and he finally slid his hand down to my bum to push me against him. Then I really wished we didn’t have wetsuits on. Then without warning, as the boat tilted with a slightly bigger wave, images of Aunt Elle coursed through my head and suddenly my urgency wasn’t for him, it was for her.’
I withdrew from him gasping and smiled to reassure him, ‘Sorry, that was lovely and I want to do it again very soon but…Aunt Elle.’
He smiled back, ‘Me too. Um, Aunt Elle. Yes.’
He rolled his eyes and walked past me to climb up the few steps to the wheel. I followed him and he glanced across at me before pushing the accelerator forwards and grabbing the steering wheel. I stood next to him holding on with one hand as he accelerated, reaching around his waist with the other. Digging my fingers into his side a little I said, ‘You’re fit and strong but you’ve got soft bits, I love that.’
He looked across at me and replied, ‘You’re…you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in my life, even on Pinterest, but I don’t want that to control this. I don’t want to take advantage of you, and I’m afraid…I’m.’
I could imagine what he was thinking. It had happened almost every time I’d been with someone, and that hadn’t been that many times. They’d start all nice then lose it and grab and kiss and maul me, not necessarily aggressively, and not necessarily so I didn’t enjoy it, but it wasn’t them anymore, it was an animal. They call it passion in the romance novels, and I know that passion exists, but I know lust does too and that it’s not always mutual.
I replied, ‘Don’t worry, I’d like to take it slow too, as slow as you like. I want to feel you wanting me. I want you too. But I’d like it if you stayed with me. I’m glad you don’t have a hard body, and that you’re a bit older, but none of that is what made me find out your name. You’re just different to almost everyone I’ve ever met, in a good way, and whatever that difference is, just makes me want more of it.’
He grinned and his eye’s flashed something, mischief, then he said, ‘It’s the accent isn’t it, with you Americans, it’s always the accent.’
I slapped him on the bum and laughed, ‘Yes it’s partly the accent but don’t flatter yourself, your number three below British and French on that score, but a girl’s gotta make do sometimes.’
He leaned over and kissed me, just once, not just a peck, enough to feel my lip between his, but not more deeply than that. It was as if he’d kissed me that way for years. I wondered if that was what maturity brought you, control, or if it was just him. I was ready to rip off my suit and shove his head between by boobs, then attach his face to a hard nipple and keep it there until I was satisfied. I leant back from his kiss, tingling between my legs with all the thoughts going through my head, and realised it wasn’t him who might lose it when we finally snuggled up together, it was me.
It didn’t take long to get to Aunt Elle’s. As we stopped and Mat let the anchor down my heart started to race. I knew the probability was that she would have turned, like almost everybody else had. Then I thought about the bodies we had seen getting eaten. I wondered if they were survivors like us who had just not made it, or if they just hadn’t turned in time not to get eaten. I found Mat behind me, his hands on my shoulders. I arched my back to push my bum against him and he pressed back.
I said, ‘Now I’m here I don’t know what to do. If she hasn’t turned then we can rescue her, but I know that’s unlikely. I can’t kill her, but we could do with some things from the house, mainly my M9 and the ammo.
Mat’s voice was quiet by my left ear, ‘I don’t know either. For all we know this might be temporary so we shouldn’t kill her. You said she was ill. I assume she won’t be big and strong then, so we should be able to tie her up or lock her in a room or something. I think that’s all we can do.’
I rested my head back against his shoulder, he was just a few inches taller than me, ‘I guess so.’
Mat had stayed a hundred feet from shore and said, ‘So, do we go further in and risk attracting attention or do we go stealth and swim in?’
I smiled at the thought of a stealth mission, but then shivered at the thought of what had happened with the Sprinter. I reached across for his hand and slipped it from my shoulder, then I reached behind and grabbed it with my other hand. Sliding it from my waist up my suit to my breast and holding it there is said, ‘I know this is America and it seems unlikely given my frame, but these are all me. They’re big and soft and I want you to have them.’
He squeezed me and reached to hold me with the other hand as well. I could feel him hard behind me and I pushed back in appreciation, ‘I’m telling you this to make sure that we make it back here for tonight. I know you’re still struggling with the…killing. I saw you only shoot the men. But I don’t want you to hesitate.’ My throat constricted and I fought back tears, ‘I can’t…I can’t lose you now I’ve found you. I know it’s silly, I know we’ve only…’
He shushed me into silence and gently kissed the side of my neck, ‘Don’t worry, we’re not dying today, and I’m with you.’ Squeezing me and pushing himself against me one last time before letting me go he added, ‘All of you.’
We swam slowly to shore holding the spear and baseball bat and trying not to splash too much. There was no one on the beach behind the house but there were two, two doors down, just standing stooped over, occasionally shuffling a step or two, then being still again. We were lying in the shallow water and I was about to ask Mat what he thought we should do when one of the Zeds saw us and started towards us, rapidly followed by the other. I looked across at Mat and said, ‘We don’t want noise and thrashing around, can you take one?’
He nodded and we got to our feet and ran towards the Zed’s. Mat jabbed the spear under his Zombie’s jaw which was gruesome, but dropped it. I swung the bat hard at my Zed’s head but it lifted its arms to protect itself. Although the
powerful swing went through its guard, and it staggered and fell, it wasn’t dead. Mat stabbed the spear again before I could finish it with the bat and I was glad. It was less noisy and messy.
We looked around and there weren’t any others so we quickly crouched back down and made it to the back door of the house. I looked at him and said, ‘Ok, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, let’s do this.’
I turned the back door handle and the door creaked open noisily. I stood up and walked into the kitchen and didn’t have any time to prepare myself. Aunt Elle was in the doorway between the living area and kitchen and she had turned. I waited for a moment, hoping for some kind of recognition in her eye’s, and I noticed she was upright and not wheezing. I froze with thoughts that she was ok, that although she had turned her chest was fine. By the time I realised how ridiculous the thoughts were Mat had barged me aside and front kicked Elle back into the living room where she fell over an arm chair.
He moved quickly forwards gabbing a perching stool from the kitchen before shoving it lengthways against Elle’s chest to hold her down. Her arms thrashed and she groaned, but she couldn’t get up. I wanted to grab Mat and pull him off her, but his urgent voice brought me back to my senses, ‘Get the gun and whatever else, but be quick, she’s stronger than she looks and I don’t want to hurt her.’
I ran to my bedroom and grabbed the gun and the ammo from my bedside draw. Then I grabbed a bag, my laptop, having drowned Mat’s, some clothes and, ridiculous as it may seem, my razor, makeup, and deodorant.’
I ran back into the living room and couldn’t look at Elle’s lifeless pale eye’s. I went back to the back door and called Mat. He can running and we shut the door. A few moments later we heard banging against the door but the handle didn’t turn. I looked at Mat, ready to say sorry for freezing when he said, ‘Don’t worry, it was always going to be that way and I’m glad you froze, I wouldn’t have thought the same about you if you hadn’t. Let’s go get the F350, time isn’t on our side.’