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Zed Days USA (Book 1) Page 5
Zed Days USA (Book 1) Read online
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We crouched low over bent knees and walked three doors down. We made it to the back door without attracting any attention and Mat said, ‘Will this one be hard for you?’
I replied, ‘Nope, he knew my dad not Aunt Elle and he was an arsehole. Quick and silent so we have time to search the place.’
I went to turn the back door handle but it was locked. I couldn’t stop myself swearing, ‘Fuck.’
Mat looked serious and said, ‘It’s not exactly a new door, leave it to me.’
Mat dropped the spear and took a couple of steps back on the porch before surging forwards and shoulder barging the door. There was a splintering noise and dust fell on us from the porch roof, but the door didn’t budge. Mat recoiled backwards holding his shoulder. Then there was a strange low roar from inside the house. I was crouched to the side of the door and heard quick heavy footsteps. The hairs on my arms stood on end and I yelled at Mat, but I was too late, ‘Stand back.’
Tony, the owner of the F350, careered through the splintering door and barrelled straight into Mat, knocking him flying off the three steps up to the porch onto the thankfully soft sand. He yelled as he landed awkwardly on his side. Tony was at least 250 pounds and he was a retired mechanic, so it wasn’t all fat. Tony moved to jump on Mat, having stopped for a moment when he hit him. I couldn’t think of anything else to do so I barked, ‘Tony’, and stood up. Tony stopped to turn around and the moment he saw me he lunged for me.’
My gun training kicked in and I raised the M9 and shot him once in the face. I expected him to drop but he just reeled and swung his arms, so I shot him again. Finally he slumped backwards and fell down the steps, rolling close to Mat who was getting slowly to his feet, wincing with every move.
I knew the noise meant we were in trouble but we needed ammo. I barked at Mat, ‘Check his pockets, we need that truck.’
Mat nodded and I could see him wincing again as he patted Tony down, then reached in and pulled out some keys. Then he turned to look down the beach and said, ‘They’re coming.’
I wasn’t exactly a Zombie fan but I’d seen a few movies and knew how it went. The intrepid survivors always seemed to end up stuck on a roof somewhere, surrounded by a sea of Zombies. I yelled at Mat, ‘Come on, let’s get to the truck, they can’t get at us in there and we need it.’
Mat walked painfully up the steps of the porch holding his side but when he saw my concerned look he just said, ‘I’ll be fine, let’s do this.’
I led the way through the house to the front door and we could see at least ten other Zeds converging on the house. The truck was just outside on the drive and there weren’t any at the front door so I opened it and ran to the drivers side, throwing the bat and bag in the back seat as I got in. Mat walked around to the passenger side and got in, almost stabbing me as he fumbled to get the spear in the back. We got organised before the first Zeds started banging and clawing ineffectually at the truck. Then one hit my door handle and the door started to open. It wasn’t a deliberate move on the Zeds part so I had time to grab it, close it, and push the central locking.
Looking across at Mat I said, ‘Survival rule one, lock your doors.’
Mat’s breathing was a bit shallow and he was sweating, my heart instantly started to pound. I reached for him and said, ‘I thought you said you were ok?’
Mat forced a smile and replied, ‘Does maybe having a couple of broken ribs still count as ok?’
I leant further over and put my hand on his knee, ‘Kinda. Normally yes, in an apocalypse, not so much.’
He replied, ‘It’s not the first time, kids and quad bikes are a volatile mix and you quickly learn respect for them. I’ll be fine, honest. I could do with a painkiller and something to strap around my chest, but I’ll be fine.’
More Zeds were gathering round us and he added, ‘We’re safe now but I wouldn’t mind a little peace and quiet. Why don’t you get us out of here and head to the bridge, but stop somewhere quiet before we get to the store.’
I nodded and turned the key in the ignition. Tony’s truck may have been 15 years old but it was in mint condition and Tony had done stuff to the engine. It roared into life and the cab rocked a little over the high suspension when I revved the engine. Mat put his seatbelt on and I knew we had to be sensible, so I followed suit. I pulled away slowly and saw the Zeds in front go under the wheels. I jerked to a stop and Mat groaned, holding his side, looking at me from the side of his eyes.
I said, ‘Sorry, I know. They’re going to go under the wheels and even this will need a few revs and a bit of speed to go over them, so you need to brace yourself, it’s gonna be bumpy. If we come across more I imagine having a little speed when we hit them might knock them away so they’re less likely to go under the wheels, just to warn you.’
Mat nodded and pulled the seatbelt tight across him. I put it into drive and accelerated. The cab tipped and rolled as we went over the ones that had fallen beneath the wheels. We were clear in a couple of seconds but Mat couldn’t help but let out a muffled yell. It took a while to get used to driving the truck in a wetsuit with no shoes on, and with a knife strapped to my thigh, but it felt great to be inside and virtually invulnerable. Mat checked out the glove box and I wasn’t surprised he found an old Glock amongst the other detritus. He also found some over the counter painkillers.
Chapter Five – Fuck Yea
The roads were relatively clear but we had to weave in and out of stationary cars and push through one fender bender blocking our way. As we were driving I said, ‘Tony wasn’t a normal Zombie. The Sprinter was fast and although Tony had a turn of speed, I don’t think he was the same, he sounded different for a start. That roar he made just before he came through the door made my hairs stand on end. He even looked different.’
‘His eyes were like all of them and he’s always been huge, but did you see him, he was all bloated and weird looking, like he’d retained an extra thirty pounds of water all over him. And he didn’t go down with the first head shot. It took two to drop him.’
Mat looked over at me, ‘I guess. I didn’t really see much, be he did act differently to the others with that charge. All the others, including the Sprinter, reach for us to grab and bite, he charged first, there was no reaching or anything. We’ll have to keep an eye out for Big Fellas and not assume they’re normal until proven otherwise. Same with obviously athletic looking ones I suppose, though on the beach that doesn’t narrow the field very much.’
We attracted Zeds where ever we went, but not the massive hordes from the movies. We saw some in cars but they still hadn’t managed to get free. When we passed a few shop fronts we could see some behind windows and they just seemed to bang against them mindlessly. I hoped with them being so dumb Walmart wouldn’t be too bad.
We got to the bridge over the inlet that was the traditional boundary between the beach and town. It only had a few cars on it and no walking Zeds, so I stopped and turned off the engine. I looked at Mat who was looking a shade better, ‘You wanted us to stop, what’s the plan?’
Mat looked at me and smiled, ‘Damn you’re gorgeous.’
I beamed back and wanted to say something funny, but I figured he was an adult and I should try and be one too, ‘Thanks, so I’m told, but it means something coming from you, especially when you’re looking me in the eye’s and not staring at my tits. But we still need a plan.’
Mat replied, ‘I don’t have a plan, I just figured we should talk about it before we get there. It could be really dangerous in there. We’ve already found Sprinters and Big Fellas, what’s next? Even a decent amount of normal ones could overwhelm us. If we use the guns all we do is attract more. We could end up with more than we have bullets for and then we’d be in trouble. I know it was early when it happened, but I’ve ended up in Walmart around that time before and there’s still been people in there. There could easily be twenty or more people, and that’s excluding the staff.’
I listened and my shock and awe plan faded away with
each word; I knew he was right. Then I thought some more and added to the bad news, ‘Also, even if we get in, we have to haul everything we want out and you’re beat up. Ideally we need to be able to make a few trips and not be disturbed while we do.’ I had been trying to control my mouth around him, as he barely seemed to swear, but it slipped out, ‘Fuck this is hard.’
I looked up at him guiltily. He said, ‘Don’t worry, swear all you like. My parents would box my ears if I did and it stuck, but I really don’t mind. It’s kinda cute when you do it.’
As we were talking a Zed that must have followed us appeared in the rear view. I said, ‘We have a little company.’ Then it hit me and I shouted, ‘Steam roller.’
Mat startled and groaned, he looked tired, ‘I’m sorry. I wanted this truck so we could get around ok but it is, it’s a steam roller. It’s not like there are hundreds around and this has great suspension, four wheel drive, and enough power to carry a few tonnes in the back or tow a plane. We should use it to kill the Zeds, then we can take our time.’
Mat replied, ‘Sounds bumpy, but it’s not like I’m in any shape to fight and there’s no way you’re going in there alone. How do we get them out so we can steam roller them?’
I thought for a moment and said, ‘Simple, noise attracts them so I can go and open the front doors, and wedge them with something so they can get out. Then I can shoot some to attract the rest and all we should have to do is wait. Then we can run them over.’
Mat smiled at me and I felt a few tingles, I loved his eye’s. I leaned across and whispered, ‘I don’t suppose a quick kiss would be out of the question, for coming up with the plan.’
He grinned, ‘I’d love that. But we’re going to have company in a minute and it could be a bit distracting.’
I put it into reverse and gently accelerated until there was a thump from the back. Not wanting to break suddenly I brought us to a halt slowly and thankfully it didn’t go under the wheels. I turned then engine off and sighed. It had killed the moment a little.
Mat smiled back and shuffled to lean closer, then grimaced in pain. I said, ‘It’s a really good plan so I think I deserve a really good kiss. Why don’t I come to you, I promise I’ll be careful. Put your seat right back.’
Mat moved the seat right back and I clambered over to sit on him gently. He smiled, rested his head back on the seat and started to feel my waist and bum. I tentatively shuffled forwards, bit by bit, until I was straddling him and said, ‘You just stay there, let me come to you for this as well.’
I leant forwards and started to kiss him gently, he tightened his grip on my bum and slid one hand up my back to tell me it was ok to come a little closer. He was a good kisser and I think having to be careful made it better. I wanted him then and there, but held myself back. I didn’t want our first time to be in a truck that smelt slightly of sweat, but I wanted more than just a kiss.
In a break for breath I said, ‘I know we have things to do and I don’t want to spoil tonight, but I want a little more.’ Smiling my cutest smile I added, ‘I’m going to unzip my suit and then I’m going to take my bikini off. You’re going to recline the seat and stay resting back against it so you don’t hurt yourself. Then you’re going to touch and squeeze me, rapidly followed by licking, kissing, and sucking. I absolutely love my breasts being sucked so you can do it for as long as you like. Then we’re going shopping and, if we have time, we’re going to stop in the lingerie section.’
Mat was already rock hard beneath me and as I sat back to slowly unzip my suit I shuffled on him. From what I could feel, I wasn’t going to be disappointed later. It was a proper wet suit so it unzipped at the back which was a shame, but I still had my bikini on. He reclined the seat and I shuffled so I was over him, my breasts still restrained by my bikini, but dangling over his face. I wanted the first reveal to be special and waiting only made me want him more. I sat up with one hand across my chest and undid the bikini with the other. Then I leant forwards holding the material over me and felt his hands dig into my bottom.
I smiled and said in a breathy voice, ‘Like I said, just relax back and let me come to you. I know you want me, and I want you just as much, this is just an appetiser.’
I let my bikini drop onto his chest and watched the expression on his face as he slid his hands up from my bum to hold me. He held his breath and looked at me in awe. He touched me softly, running the back of his hand down each of my breasts and over my hard nipples, making me shiver. Then he turned his hand over and did it again, spreading his fingers so each one flipped over my nipple making it even harder. Then he held and squeezed them before looking at me, ‘They’re perfect in every way, lovely and big and soft and smooth. I can’t believe…’
Losing patience I interrupted him, ‘I know, now are you going to kiss them or do I have to do it myself.’
Squeezing them he leant forward and kissed one. I leant into him and as he licked and sucked it I felt my belly button tingle and moist heat spread between my legs making me arch my back and rub against him. He moved from breast to breast, kissing, sucking and squeezing. Although for a minute he was obviously doing what felt good for him, then it changed.
He started moving between different frequencies and intensities of sucking and flipping his tongue over my nipples while they were deep in his mouth, his hands pushing them against his smooth face. He reacted to my appreciative groans by doing more of what had made me groan until he knew what I liked best. Then he refined what he had learnt and moved between my breasts using that knowledge and, taking advantage of my heightened state of arousal, pinching the nipple he wasn’t sucking and pulling it towards him until I was on the edge between pain and pleasure before suddenly releasing it, making me gasp and shudder. I was paralyzed with pleasure and within a couple of minutes I felt wet heat spread between my legs and I moaned loudly and said, ‘Fuck yea.’
I hadn’t cum, but something had happened and it was fucking amazing. He brought us down with more gentle kisses and as I relaxed down onto him breathing heavily I kissed his mouth, still hot from its efforts. A few wet, relaxed kisses later and we were staring into each other’s eyes. I said, ‘What was that, that was fantastic. It was like a mini orgasm just from sucking my nipples.’
He smiled, ‘I’m glad you liked it, it was pretty fantastic for me too. Your breasts take me to another world and feeing you react just inspired me.’ He planted a wet kiss on each of them and I could feel him tense underneath me.
I pulled gently away from him and reached for my bikini top, ‘That was awesome, but I’m not sure they’d cope with another work over so soon. Or at least you wouldn’t be able to get near them later if you did. How’s your chest feel? You went for it there for a couple of minutes.’
He shuffled in the chair and winced a little, ‘It hurts, but I really don’t care anymore.’
I shuffled back into the driver’s seat and we both got organised. As I pulled away I said, ‘There’s definitely no dying now. If you can do that with just by boobs, I want to see what you can do when we’re naked.’
He coughed and stifled a yelp, ‘Don’t build it up too much, I don’t want to disappoint you.’
I giggled, he was so honest and genuine and it made me feel like I could be same, almost for the first time. We hadn’t even done it but it felt like the most natural thing in the world to talk about it. I said, ‘Don’t worry, I know you’re hurt and broken ribs take a few weeks. I’m sure we can work it out. I’m looking forwards to slow and gentle and I’m sure I can do some of the work.’
For a moment the reality, and utter ridiculousness of the situation hit me. I was driving along in a stolen truck having shot the owner at point blank range twice in the head. I was dressed in a wet suit and travelling with a man over ten years older than me who, for some reason, I fancied more than I had ever fancied anyone before, who could make me almost cum just by sucking my nipples. We were on our way to rob a load of guns and ammo so we could protect ourselves against all the Z
ombies that seemed to have taken over the world.
Chapter Six - Shopping
I could see Mat glance over at me when we arrived at the turn off to the store and I’m sure he was about to ask me if I was ok or something. I said quickly, ‘We’re here’, and focussing on what we had to do brought me back from my ruminations. The carpark was big and there was only a light scattering of cars, mostly close to the entrance.
I stopped in the entrance to the carpark, engine running. Mat said, ‘I like your plan, but it does rely on you being able to jam open the doors without getting eaten. This thing is great, but it’s not exactly quiet. How are we playing this?’
I thought about it. We needed something to wedge the doors open with, but I couldn’t think of anything. I was a bit ashamed my plan was stumbling at the first hurdle. Then it hit me again, and I said, ‘Steamroller’, again. There was a big tool box built into the back of the truck and I knew Tony would have rope. I looked at Mat and said, ‘This thing can pull just as well as it can push, and the carpark is clear, so leave this to me.’
I turned the truck around and there was a little slope into the parking lot so I turned the ignition off and rolled back towards the doors. I grabbed the rope, which had a hook on one end, and hooked it onto the tow point. I could see a couple of Zeds had gathered at the doors and more were coming; the lights were still on inside. I swallowed hard and told myself I’d be fine. I tried to ignore their scrabbling and banging at the doors just an inch away from me while I tied the rope around both of the door handles. It was lucky the doors opened inwards and they were still acting as dumb as shovels.